6 Free Chat Widgets You Can Consider For Your Blog

I did search for and try many chats widgets the whole night. and here are some points I can present.

It is a bit hard to decide which to use since there are so many chat tools provided and they are all free. I could at least say that the number reaches more than 60 chat tools ready to employ and embed to blogs or websites.

You will find it interesting to try one by one, but of course, it will take your whole life before you  get what you want . Hahaha, kiddin'! Instead, I've got some recommended blog chat tools you can consider to use. You may have known some, but there may be some others you haven't.
Cbox is one of the popular chat and shout-box tools. Many blogs embed this chat tool. We can see it anywhere around. One thing I like from this tool is that it is secure. You can be sure to control any spam yourself  by having the ultimate control on it. It supports avatars and smileys, but of course, for free use, ads will be embedded either.

Gabby is a chat tool service that supports and provides RSS. It has audio functionality and pretty look. All you have to do is just 'gab' your blog url to get this tool.

Zohochat is easy to set-up, slick, simple to use, and has a professional-look. You can choose whether it is for shout-box or live chat. This one is what I recommend most.

Freeshoutbox is basically formed in HTML, so you can easily embed this tool anywhere you want. You can choose more than 200 templates if you are a bit 'lazy' to customize the details. What I like most is that this tool supports auto refresh: 6 per minute, whether Shoutmix: 1 per minute, and Cbox does not support this feature at all. You can also ban an IP when you find it annoying. Ads embedded below the box.

Well, because Oggix is one of karya anak bangsa, so I simply got to say in Bahasa Indonesia sajah (lebay dikit gapapah....lah ^_^). Shout-box ini adalah karya dari Mas Oggix, men-support smiley, avatar dan tidak membatasi jumlah entri chat. Bahkan anda juga bisa memasang lebih dari satu shout-box di  satu blog /website dengan satu account saja. Ajax platformed. Just give it a try here.

Yoo-hoo, there are of course many other chat/shout-box widgets to find and consider. Just type some words on Mr. Google.

Oops! I forgot to present one other tool; that is: Shoutmix.  The service enables you to modify the appearance of your widget by employing many optional themes, as well as custom CSS. This tool is able to filter profane words from being displayed on the shout-box.
Have a nice try!

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