(Update Cheat S4League 25 Oktober 2012) Special Full Fitur Trainer HacX [Masih Work]

Cheat Trainer 2.8 New Boat S4 League
Hi as presented earlier s4 güncelllenen new game cheat bot
if the current version of s4 aradısanız game cheat bot download it straightaway.
S4 League Trainer Cheat Bot v2.8 New features :
-Godmode: Do not ever die
-Inf HP = 1124728832/138 HP
-200 HP
-Inf SP
-SP Refill
-0 HP
-Ghost Mode
-Speed ​​cheats
-speedhack 2 (w + w)
-FastFire / MultiHit
-Inf Ammo
-Wall HP
-Infinite Anchor
-Anchor Range
-No. Sentry Detect
-Walljump Range
-Cam Hack
-No Laser
-Inf Jump
-x4 WallJump
Use of the new S4 League Trainer Cheat Bot  :
After you have downloaded to your computer that is appropriate to remove rardan boat trick
be operated on the screen that comes up when you want to use the features of version
Start will be ready to cheat will be dead and then press the Select
Note: You need to log in the game Xtrap Bypss.

Producer of fraud:
Credits : Muhammad Adit - http://dj-doo.blogspot.com/

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