Update Perbaikan Special Mau UPDATE HACKSIELD,MAU APALAH Terserah!, NO CHEAT NO KILLER! ON Windows 7,WIndows XP,GWARNET,GWARNET GOLD,WORK ALL WINDOWS , ALL GWARNET!)Penambahan Fire Speed Double Damage ALL Weapon+RPG REPLACE ,3D Menu , Quick Change,Hp up,Anti Respawn Time,Auto Slot GM,Etc Work ALL Windows[Windows Xp,Vista,Win 7,WIn 8 WORK] + Special Cheat Work ALL Version PointBlank in the World PB Indo,Spanyol,taly,Rusia,Amerika latin,Turkey,Tahadi,Philipina,Thailand,Etc
Cheat 1 just for Indonesia!
Tanpa D3D menu PEnambahan Fire speed all wapon+ Replace RPG
Fitur Cek dalam Kemasan/Notepad PB Indo recomendation cheat 1
Don't to Show OFF
Downloads Cheat 1
Fitures : [ D3D MENU ]
- Xhair
- No Smoke
- WH Clean
- WH Leopard
- Chams
- WH Indo
[ 3D MENU ]
- Health 1
- Health 1.A
- Names
- Boxes
- Skill Slot
- Auto GM
- SKill Change
- Damage Up 35%
- HP 120
- Fast Plant Defuse
- AMMo
- SQuick Change
- SG Fire
- Exit Game
Recomendation Cheat 2
- PointBlank Spanyol [Active]
- PointBlank Rusia [Active]
- PointBlank Thailand [Active]
- PointBlank Philipina [Active]
- PointBlank Turkey [Active]
- PointBlank Indonesia [Active]
- PointBlank Tahadi / ARAB [Active]
- PointBlank Colombia / Amerika Latin [Active]
- PointBlank Korea [Active]
- PointBlank Amrika / PBLackout (Nothing)
- PointBlank SG / Singapura [Active]
Hotkeys D3D Menu:
- D3d Menu On/OFF : INSERT
- Arah Panah kanan = ON
- Arah Panah Kiri OFF
- Arah Panah ats & Bawah Pilih cit
Tutorial :
- Buka PB launcher | Open PB Launc
- Buka Cheat | Open Cheat
- Start
- Keluar Message Box/notice | Display Message >> Click OK
- Ok,ok saja Hepii Cheatting dah
-Buka Cheat Jangan Menggunakan DOUBLE klik!!!
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator
-Buka PB nya pun jangan pakai Double Klik
-Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator juga
Okay paham KAN
Tested Windows Xp = 3 jam ++ WORK!
Tested Windows 7 = 2 Jam ++ WORK!
Created By Muhammad Adit (Tropper Bermasalah)
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